The Indoors Project is an online short film and animation festival, running over a month from the 20th May - 6th July with a new film coming out every other day.
All the work included in the festival has been made while in isolation, with the filmmakers being given a brief in early April to make a short film or animation over 5 weeks, about anything they wanted with the support of the project.
This has involved regular meetings with the filmmakers to work around the current circumstances, putting directors in touch with composers, mailing camera equipment, working out the logistics of setting a film in a livestream, designing sound for animations and all of this is still going on. \
This began as an idea between two friends to make one short film set over a video call and has grown to become a festival of 15 filmmakers from all across the UK - from Devon, Edinburgh, Derby, Somerset, Manchester, Bristol, Coventry, Cambridge, London to Leeds and beyond, with a film also being made in Malmö, Sweden.
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